特长:睡眠问题、情绪问题、躯体疾病相关的精神/心理问题诊治及 “神经官能症”诊疗
就医指南:春节前 我父亲因出汗肌痛在协和西院住院检查治疗无效而出院 后来到协和门诊心理科 挂了魏主任的号接受咨询治疗 魏教授如春风拂面的态度以及及时合理的用药 让我父亲病情很快好转 现父亲已经带着魏教授开的药回家治疗 病情亦一天比一天好 他让我代表他及我们全家人在此感谢魏教授 谢谢您 魏教授
英文简介:Wei mirror, female, chief physician. The Peking Union Medical College Hospital mental medical science leader, engaged in a comprehensive hospital psychiatric / mental work in more than 20 years, in the field of clinical and academic reputation. Involved in a number of national and ministerial-level scientific research, won the 2006 annual Chinese medical science and technology award first prize and 2008 two prize national scientific and technological progress. The Chinese Journal of psychiatry, the members of the group members of consultation liaison psychiatry, geriatric psychiatry group member, anxiety disorder group member; Chinese psychiatrist Association member of the Chinese Association for mental hygiene psychosomatic medicine; deputy director of the professional committee of committee; Chinese Sleep Research Director, sleep and psychological professional committee of the Standing Committee of the Chinese Medical Association of Neurology; members of the group of neuropsychology.